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Just Dance!!!

Curds 'n' Weigh: Just Dance!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Just Dance!!!

Today is a great Friday!!!  I planned to go to Zumba last night, but by the time I got home and got everything settled with my partner and puppies, I was late for class.  For a moment, the old mentality kicked in...I thought you can just work out're really tired, you need a's okay, you already have a calorie deficit today.  I was almost tempted to listen to the sweet nothings of complacency, but remembered that was the reason my hips are so wide!  I decided I would go for a long walk since I missed class.

I slowly walked upstairs to change into workout clothes, complacency's seduction threatening to overpower my will.  But then, I heard a song in my head.  As I changed, I started dancing until the tiredness subsided...and then I danced harder.  I put Just Dance 2 in my Wii and for 45 minutes, I danced, sweated, lost my breath...but I had fun!  Here's a little snippet:

Sorry it's phone video.

I am learning that my mind is a wickedly deceitful little thing with an aversion to change, but that my body knows what it wants.  My mind wants to make excuses for why I will never make my goal, my mind wants to wallow in sadness and self-defeat, my mind wants to do what's comfortable even if it body wants to be healthy, my body wants to be free, my body wants to get up and boogie!!!

The scale thanked me for my hard work today!  I FINALLY hit my 10-pound mark...and it feels sooooo good!  As I previously mentioned, I bought a charm bracelet as my motivator and will buy a new charm for every ten pounds lost.  Last week, I decided that for my first ten pounds, I deserved TWO charms...will be posting an update to show you my new goodies, as well as some stats (I forgot to take an official "before" picture and measurements...sorry).

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