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Note to self...

Curds 'n' Weigh: Note to self...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Note to self...

Hello Blessed...

This is just a friendly reminder before you fill yourself beyond satiety with fatty, heavy foods that don't even taste great.

You have been working so hard to change your habits. You've been doing well with exercising and eating healthily. When you eat wholesome foods, you are bouncing around with extra energy, running up the stairs, having to convince yourself that you've done enough exercise for the day. This is a great feeling.

Now look at that junk you're about to eat. It will make you feel lethargic and bloated. It will give you a migraine and make you feel malaise. You will obsess about how you've undone your progress and will spend at least 30 minutes trying to decide whether to throw it up or do a second trip to the gym for the day. You will wake up feeling sick to your stomach which will leave you unmotivated for the rest of the day.

This happens every time but somehow you forget on the weekends, in social moments where conformity means more than self-care. This is your reminder.

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